Just Announced: Up to 3-minute Shorts on YouTube. Should you use this feature??


When considering uploading short-form videos that are longer than 60 seconds, there are several pros and cons to keep in mind when deciding if this feature is right for you:


Increased Depth and Detail

Videos longer than 60 seconds allow for more in-depth exploration of topics and provide additional context that may be difficult to convey in shorter formats. This extra time can be valuable for explaining complex ideas or showcasing products more thoroughly.

Algorithm Benefits

Longer videos, even if still considered short-form, may receive preferential treatment from certain platform algorithms. For example, YouTube’s algorithm tends to favor longer watch times, which could potentially increase visibility for videos exceeding 60 seconds.

Flexibility in Storytelling

The extra time allows for more creative storytelling and the inclusion of multiple points or examples, which can make content more engaging and memorable.


Reduced Engagement

Viewers may be less likely to watch the entire video if it exceeds 60 seconds, potentially leading to lower completion rates and overall engagement. The attention span of online audiences tends to favor very short content.

Increased Production Time

Creating longer videos typically requires more time for planning, filming, and editing. This can reduce the frequency of content output and may not be as efficient for creators looking to maintain a consistent posting schedule.

Potential for Oversaturation

Longer videos may include unnecessary information or “fluff,” which can dilute the main message and potentially bore viewers. Keeping content concise and to the point becomes more challenging with increased length.

Compatibility with Viewing Habits

Short-form content under 60 seconds aligns well with the quick-scrolling behavior common on social media platforms, including YouTube Shorts. Longer videos may not fit as seamlessly into these viewing patterns, potentially reducing their effectiveness in capturing and retaining audience attention.

In conclusion, while videos longer than 60 seconds offer more room for content development, they also come with challenges in terms of audience retention. The decision to create longer short-form content should be based on the specific goals of the content creator, the nature of the subject matter, and the target audience’s preferences.

Still need help deciding if this feature is right for you and your content? Let enTICEing Media help. Book a call or send us an email today!

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